- Graphic Arts
- Archives and Documents
- Art history of (reportage) drawing
- Comics & sequential arts
- Automatism & mediumism
- Printing Culture
- Resources
- Artists' pages
- Illustrated newspapers
- War artists
Graphic Arts
Graphic Arts Division, Princeton University
This site includes posts for new acquisitions, events, notable holdings, and other information on the Graphic Arts Collection within the department of Rare Books and Special Collections.
http://graphicarts.princeton.edu/ -
is a London bases non-profit making organization that explores ideas around contemporary drawing and makes them visible in the public domain.
https://drawingroom.org.uk/ -
Grands Reporters
An interesting drawing section of this French site, which is related to all kinds of topical reportage.
http://www.grands-reporters.com/-DESSINS-.html -
Cartoon Movement
The Cartoon Movement is a community of international editorial cartoonists and fans of political satire, which provides a website with continuously updated cartoons and graphic novels.
http://www.cartoonmovement.com/ -
Reportager is a research group and programme at the School of Creative Arts, Univeristy of the West of England. Reportager exists in order to support, initiate, and showcase projects involving drawing as reportage, visual journalism, documentary drawing and illustration as visual essay. We are interested in projects, which use the made image to interrogate a diverse range of themes. The website works as an editorial space for the dissemination of good practice in this area.
http://reportager.uwe.ac.uk -
All virtual books
Inexhaustible archive of digitized illustrated books
http://www.bl.uk/onlinegallery/virtualbooks/viewall/index.html# -
The Brilliant Line
The site follows the visual transformations of early engraving culture and offers new insights into the special inventiveness and technical virtuosity of Early Modern engravers.
http://risdmuseum.org/art_design/exhibitions/16_the_brilliant_line_following_the_early_modern_engraver_1480_1650 -
Graphics Atlas is an online resource that brings sophisticated print identification and characteristic exploration tools to specialists and the general public
Graphics Atlas -
The Visual Telling of Stories (Art of Illustration)
A great and extensive source, including an alphabet of illustrators, an archive of cartoons and informational graphics . The website Chris Mullen aspires to being a Visual Lexicon, dedicated to the primacy of the Visual Proposition.
http://www.fulltable.com/vts/index2.htm -
Useful sites
A list of links to useful sites related to graphic techniques, print making and paper convervation, provided by the Studiengang Konservierung und Restaurierung von Kunstwerken auf Papier, Archiv- und Bibliotheksgut der Kunstakademie Stuttgart
Archives and Documents
Knowledge in the Making
Drawing and Writing as Research Techniques / Christoph Hoffmann, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, Barbara Wittmann / Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte Berlin
http://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/en/research/projects/DeptIII_HoffmannWittmann_KnowledgeMaking/index_html -
Robert Weaver in the Collections of Washington University, St. Louis
https://library.wustl.edu/behind-the-scenes-at-cbs-with-robert-weaver/ -
Vincent van Gogh: Van Gogh's Letters
http://vangoghletters.org/vg/ -
Writings of Austin Osman Spare
http://www.hermetic.com/spare/ -
Austin Osman Spare Archive
http://www.banger.com/banger/spare/index.html -
Les Arts Incohérents
http://www.artsincoherents.info/ -
Carlfriedrich Claus on UbuWeb
http://www.ubu.com/film/claus.html -
Wilson A. Bentley
http://snowflakebentley.com/ -
The David Claypool Johnston Colletion
http://www.americanantiquarian.org/Exhibitions/Johnston/satire.htm -
John Kay, Barber, Miniaturist & Social Commentator
http://www.johnkay.org/ -
image & narrative
is an e-journal on visual narratology in the broadest sense of the term. Beside tackling theoretical issues, it is a platform for reviews of real life examples.
http://www.imageandnarrative.be/index.php/imagenarrative/article/view/1366 -
Henri Michaux on UbuWeb
includes the astonishing document "images du monde visionnaire", an educational film by Henri Michaux and Eric Duvivier which was "produced in 1963 by the film department of Swiss pharmaceutical company Sandoz in order to demonstrate the hallucinogenic effects of mescaline and hashish."
The Daumier Register
The first digital catalogue on all 4000 lithographs and 1000 wood engravings
of Honoré Daumier -
100 Years of Illustration and Design
An extensive archive of the history of American Illustration
http://giam.typepad.com/100_years_of_illustration/ -
A series of original portraits and caricature etchings by the late John Kay, with biographical sketches and illustrative anecdot
Over 300 reproductions of the
social panorama of Edinburgh, created by John Kay from
1724 till 1822 -
Urban Sketchers
Urban Sketchers is a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising the artistic, storytelling and educational value of location drawing, promoting its practice and connecting people around the world who draw on location where they live and travel. We aim to show the world, one drawing at a time.
Illustrierte Kunst- und Satirezeitschriften des 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts
Das umfangreiche Digitalarchiv der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg beherbergt u.a. ganze Jahrgänge der wichtigsten deutschen und französischen Karikaturmagazine wie die "Fliegende Blätter", den "Kladderadatsch" oder Philipons "La caricature" und Andre Gills "L´Eclipse"
http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/helios/fachinfo/www/kunst/digilit/artjournals/Welcome.html -
Modern Graphic History Library
The Modern Graphic History Library at Washington University is comprised of original art and printed material from many fields of popular American pictorial graphic culture. Focusing on 20th century illustration, the collection includes artists' working materials and sketches as well as original artwork from books, magazines, and advertising.
Art history of (reportage) drawing
Mining Art / Fionn Taylor
http://www.healeyhero.co.uk/rescue/contents.htm -
Graphic Witness
Visual Arts & Social Commentary
http://www.graphicwitness.org/ineye/index2.htm -
Art To The People
Crane, Steinlen,Hahn, Masereel, Arntz
http://www.iisg.nl/exhibitions/art/voorstellen2.html -
Oral Histories, Archives of American Art, Smithonian Institut
Lots of Interviews with illustrators like Ben Shan, Philip Guston and Fritz Eichenberg
https://www.aaa.si.edu/collections/search?edan_fq[]=p.edanmdm.descriptivenonrepeating.record_id:AAADCD_oh_* -
Drawing The Court
the genre of courtroomsketches is documented with historical and contempary examples
http://risuemsud.ru/en/ -
Courtroom Artists
A blog with rich material of American courtroom artists
Comics & sequential arts
Coconino Classics
Une ressource encyclopaedique sur l'histoire de la narration graphique
http://www.old-coconino.com/s_classics_v3/mng_classics.php -
The Center for Cartoon Studies, White River Junction, Vermont
http://www.cartoonstudies.org/ -
Sequart / Research and Literacy Organization
http://www.sequart.com/ -
Lianhuanhua - Chinese Picture Story Books
http://digicoll.manoa.hawaii.edu/storybook/index.php?c=1 -
Literature in Line - Chinese Picture Stories, Ohio State University
http://kaladarshan.arts.ohio-state.edu/exhib/ccomic/comindx.html -
Blog on Comics, Graphic Novels, Picture Writing...
http://electrocomics.blogspot.de/ -
The famous Swiss Comic Magazine
http://www.strapazin.ch/ -
Graphic Novels
Informations on new releases of the publishers Avant-Verlag,Strapazin, Reprodukt and Edition 52
http://www.graphic-novel.info/?cat=5 -
SuccoAcido aims at the intersection of the languages of different arts.
http://www.succoacido.net/default.asp -
ImageTexT is a peer-reviewed, open access journal dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of comics and related media.The
content is available free of charge, and regular issues of ImageTexT will be published three times per year. -
Early Comics Archive
A big archive on 19th century picture-stories
http://konkykru.com/earlycomics.html -
Cartoonmuseum Basel
Das Cartoonmuseum Basel widmet sich als einziges Museum der Schweiz der Zeichenkunst und präsentiert und vermittelt Themen aus den Bereichen Comic, Animation und Karikatur. Seine bedeutende Sammlung von über 3400 Originalwerken und die kuratierten, thematischen und/oder monografischen Ausstellungen von Originalwerken machen es zu einem Kompetenzzentrum für satirische Kunst.
http://www.cartoonmuseum.ch/ -
New York Comics & Picture-story Symposium
Ben Katchor started this lecture-series at Parsons The New School in May 2012.
https://nycomicssymposium.wordpress.com/ -
The Cartoon Picayune
The Cartoon Picayune is an anthology magazine of journalistic reportage completely in the medium of comics.
Automatism & mediumism
The Aesthetic Use of Machinic Beings / James R. Hugunin
http://www.uturn.org/Synapsis/ -
Angel Drawing
Divine scripture from the spheres and the active intellect
http://www.angel-drawing.com/ -
Sketch crawl
drawing marathons from around the world
Printing Culture
William James Linton
http://www.victorianweb.org/art/illustration/linton.html -
The Cherryburn Times
The Newsletter of the Thomas Bewick Society with valuable contributions on all matters concerning the godfather of xylography. The newsletter is published twice a year.
http://www.bewicksociety.org/Cherryburn%20Times.html -
Useful sites
A list of links to useful sites related to graphic techniques, print making and paper convervation provided by the Studiengang Konservierung und Restaurierung von Kunstwerken auf Papier, Archiv- und Bibliotheksgut der Kunstakademie Stuttgart
"Books, Illustrations, Science, History, Visual Materia Obscura, Eclectic Book Art"
http://bibliodyssey.blogspot.com/ -
Rare Book Room
http://rarebookroom.org/ -
The New York Public Library
http://www.nypl.org/digital/ -
A collection of historic and modern biology books
http://www.biolib.de -
Medical Illustrations, Iowa Digital Library
http://digital.lib.uiowa.edu/cdm4/results.php?CISOOP1=all&CISOBOX1=&CISOFIELD1=CISOSEARCHALL&CISOROOT=%2Fjmrbr -
Thomas Nast
Nasty Archive
http://www.thomasnast.com/ -
Great Caricatures
Daumier, Gill, Nast etc.
http://greatcaricatures.com/index.html -
William Blake Archive
the indispensable one ...
http://www.blakearchive.org/blake/main.html -
James Gillray Archive
http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/spe/art/print/exhibits/gillray/index.html -
Fliegende Blätter (1845-1944) - digital
Extensive archive of the famous German magazine of humour with leading artists like Wilhelm Busch, Gustav Adolf Closs, Hans Kaufmann, Adolf Oberländer, Franz Graf von Pocci, Moritz v. Schwind and Carl Spitzweg.
http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/helios/fachinfo/www/kunst/digilit/fliegendeblaetter.html -
The Victorian Web
Literature,history & culture in the age of Queen Victoria
http://www.victorianweb.org/index.html -
Illustrated art - and satire magazines of the 19th and early 20th century
The extensive digital archive of the University Library Heidelberg
has entire volumes of the most important German and French cartoon magazines such as Kaspar Braun´s "Fliegende Blätter", the "Kladderadatsch", Philipon´s "La caricature" and Andre Gill´s "L ´ Eclipse" -
Eighteenth-Century Scholarship Online
provides users with access to peer-reviewed scholarly content and the ability to search digital archives containing primary source material.
Nineteenth-Century Scholarship Online
a scholarly organization devoted to forging links between the material archive of the nineteenth century and the digital research environment of the twenty-first. <br />
Artists' pages
Ben Katchor: Picture Stories
http://www.katchor.com -
Andy Bleck
http://www.andybleck.de/index.home.html -
Bilderdienst Berlin / Andreas Seltzer, Heike Vogler
Vogler http://www.bilderdienst-berlin.de/ -
Ikonolog / Matthias Reinhold
mit einem Netzwerk aus Zeichnungen den Vorgang des Erinnerns modellieren.
http://www.ikonolog.de/ -
Theo de Feyter/ my view at 5 pm
"Every day, if present, I paint the view from my studio window. Size (A4), technique (watercolour), time (5 p.m.), position in the studio and the direction in which I look are fixed. Sometimes the windowsill can be seen with the different objects which have gathered there through time."
http://www.theodefeyter.nl/pages/dag_tekeningen.asp -
Steve Bell Archive, The Guardian
http://www.guardian.co.uk/cartoons/stevebell/archive/0,,1284265,00.html -
Ben Katchor, Weekly Strips
http://www.katchor.com/weeklystrips.html -
Olivier Kugler
Site with examples of drawn reports
http://www.olivierkugler.com/ -
Ingo Giezendanner
a structural odyssey
http://www.grrrr.net/index.html -
Ulli Lust
including sections with drawn reports and graphic columns
http://www.ullilust.de/ -
Matthias Beckmann
zeigt Abbildungen seiner verschiedenen
Zeichenprojekte seit 2002 -
Oliver Grajewski
Website mit monatlich aktualisierten Beispielen von Oliver Grajewski´s autobiographisch-dokumentarischen Comics.
http://www.skalien.de/ -
Reportagezeichnung. Blog von Bo Soremsky
Die Bildberichterstattung wird von der Fotografie dominiert. Doch seit einiger Zeit tauchen immer wieder illustrierte Bildreportagen auf. Zufall oder Trend? Und hat sich "die Illustration" im Vergleich zu den historischen Pressezeichnungen verändert?
Guy Delisle: Comme ci, comme ca
Blog of the Canadian comic author Guy Delisle
http://www.guydelisle.com/blog/ -
Dan Archer creates non-fictional, journalistic comics to offer a new perspective on US foreign and domestic policy and give voice to stories that wouldn?t otherwise be heard.
http://www.archcomix.com/about/ -
Kyung-hwa Choi-ahoi
Includes her long term-projects "diary drawings" and "Enzyklopädia Personae"
http://www.kyunghwachoiahoi.com/ -
Seattle Sketcher
An illustrated journal by Gabriel Campanario, founder of the Urban Sketchers Movement
Illustrated newspapers
http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/helios/digi/kladderadatsch.html -
The Illustrated London News
http://www.iln.org.uk/ -
Don Pirlone
War artists
International Society of War Artists
A chronicle of artists dedicated to creating from and in the crucible of war
http://internationalsocietyofwarartists.blogspot.com/ -
War artists
A very fragmentary list of mainly British and American
war artists. -
The Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection, Brown University Library
The foremost American collection of material devoted to the history and iconography of soldiers and soldiering.
http://dl.lib.brown.edu/libweb/collections/askb/ -
The collections of the Imperial War Museum London
http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections -
Le musée de l'Armée, Paris
http://www.invalides.org/pages/nvx_2gm.html -
The Crimean War visual
http://www.victorianweb.org/history/crimea/vismatov.html -
World War Pictures
Official british War artist of WWI And WWII
http://www.world-war-pictures.com/war-artists.htm -
The Illustrated Enemy
This site includes mainly caricatures of national leaders and military and civilian life during World War I.
http://graphicwitness.org/ineye/ww1.htm -
Informations on the German propaganda batallions during WWII
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda-Kompanie -
Archive of all installations of Steve Mumfords graphic reports on the capital of Iraq during the war time.
http://www.artnet.com/Magazine/features/baghdadjournal.asp -
Richard Johnson- News Illustrator
This site by war artist Richard Johnson includes his editorial graphics for Canada's National Post and his work from the Iraq invasion and the war in Afghanistan.
http://newsillustrator.com/ -
Sketchpad Warrior
Weblog of Stg.Kristopher Battles, combat artist, with drawings and paintings from Afghanistan.
http://www.kjbattles.blogspot.com/ -
Fire and Ice
Weblog of Chief Warrant Officer Michael D. Fay. Combat art and personal reflections from the War on Terrorism